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  • Our Address:
    18811 Cypress Rosehill Rd
    Cypress, TX 77429

Service Time

Family Ministry


Our mission is to come alongside and equip parents to be the primary faith trainers of their families. We want to create a space for spiritual discussion in families. We want to help parents disciple their children. We want families to worship together, serve together, and play together. We want to create a community of believers who can support one another as we each seek to lead our families in following Christ.


Our primary connecting point with families is our family midweek meetings. We gather on Wednesday evenings from after Labor Day until Memorial day with a break in December for Christmas. We meet from 6:00-8:00 PM at the church. If you have any questions or you'd like to connect with us please reach out to

About Midweek

Even though we believe that parents should be the primary faith trainers in their children’s lives, that doesn’t mean parents have to be on their own. Christian community is an absolute gift from God and we want to do what we can to help develop community within this group. Here are a few ways we hope to help foster community among our families:

  • Family Dinner- Each week we will begin our meeting time by sharing a meal together. This will give us a chance to get to know each other, ask and answer questions about the lesson, and share life together.
  • Craft Connection- Each week during our family dinner time we will also make a craft or coloring page available for the kids to work through that connects to the lesson for the night.
  • Game time- After our family dinner each week, we will have a time to play games. This gives us time to play with our own children and spend time developing relationships with the families around us.
  • Worship-we think it is important for our kids to see their parent’s worship and learn how to praise God. Each week we sing 2-3 songs together in a fun and lively environment.
  • Family Discipleship-We want you to teach your children about Jesus and we want to help you do it. Each week there will be a time for you to lead your kid(s) through the lesson.
Family Discipleship

We want to create a space and a support to help your family have spiritual conversations. Each evening after our time of worship, we will have our family discipleship time. At this point in the evening, your family will split off, away from the rest of the group. The parent(s) will be responsible for leading the family through the study. We email the study out the Tuesday before our meetings to give you time to prepare, and we have hard copies available for you on Wednesday night as well. You can use this guide as much or as little as you like, you are in charge of leading your family.

We have made space in the evening for a 20-minute devotional time but you are free to go for as long as your family needs. Are you having a challenging week and the kids won’t listen or sit still? 5 minutes is perfectly acceptable. Are you having a really good discussion and 20 minutes just isn’t enough time? Keep going. The family discipleship part of the evening is intentionally the last part of our evening so that your family can talk for whatever amount of time works for you.

  • 6:00-7:00 — Family Dinner
  • 7:00-7:30 — Game time
  • 7:30-7:40 — Worship
  • 7:40-8:00 — Family Discipleship 
Group Schedule                           

Our first meeting for the 24’-25’ ministry year will be Wednesday, September 4th and we will meet weekly going forward.

We will take a break from Decemeber 4th-January 1st to focus on our equipping classes and for a Christmas break.

We resume meeting January 8th and will meet weekly until our last meeting for the year on May 21st

How to get connected?

Our family ministry meets at the Church at Cross Lake on Wednesday nights at 6:00 pm between Labor Day and Memorial Day. 

If you would like to attend a meeting, have the lessons emailed to you, or if you have any questions about our family ministry you can contact us at 


Do you have any questions?